"프리고진 사망" 푸틴의 복수인가…"그때 비행기가 2대..아직 살아있다" 음모론.

바그너 그룹 수장 예브게니 프리고진의 갑작스러운 죽음을 두고, 그 배후에 푸틴 러시아 대통령이 있다는 추측이 나오고 있습니다. 무장 반란에 대한 응징이란 분석인데요. 온라인에선 프리고진 사망이 사실이 아니라는  음모론도 확산하고 있습니다. '프리고진이 탑승자 명단에 있었을 뿐 실제 탑승했는지 여부가 의심스럽다.

[Joe Dispenser] You can be supernatural, too. The quantum connection method really works.

 How to access the quantum world where everything you want is possible, it really does. Plant one seed in an infinite world of possibilities, too! And let the greater mind of the universe germinate its seeds! Lastly, bless your body with a new heart! Bless your life, challenge, soul, past, future! And open your heart and have a new life, thank you in advance before it unfolds yet!

Jodispensa You can be supernatural, too.

1. Coordinating the new possibilities of the quantum world.

It is never easy to grow beyond physical environment time. However, it is worth trying because once you get out of this three-dimensional reality, you can enter a completely new reality of quantum fields, an area of infinite possibility. This area is not easy to explain because the concepts are different from those we see in the physical universe. This area is completely out of step with Newtonian physics, which we are familiar with. A quantum field is a field of invisible energy and information. It exists beyond time and space and can be said to be an intellect or a place of consciousness. It is not physical or material at all, and it is not perceived by our senses. 

It is the field of integration in this energy and information that governs all the laws of nature. Scientists have continued to do quantitative research to better understand the process, and are discovering more and more. Through my experience and research, I believe that there is a self-organizing intelligence or energy that gives order to the whole universe. There are people who think this idea is unscientific. I often ask them back like this. What will happen to the world after the explosion? Should we be in order? Should we go with disorder? The answer is disorder. Then I ask again. How did this universe come about after the Big Bang, the Great Explosion of the Universe?

There is an intelligence that organizes its energy and matter and creates the laws of nature, and that intelligence is the quantum field or the integrated field. To understand more about quantum fields or integrated fields, let's think about eliminating everyone on Earth, plants and animals, natural materials, man-made materials, continents, oceans, and the Earth. Then let's get rid of all the planets in our solar system, including the sun and the moon, and then we get rid of all our galaxies, and finally all the galaxies in the universe, so that there's no air and no visible light. There is only an absolute dark vacuum zero.

And remember that, as we enter into the field of integration as we become a consciousness at the moment, we're going to enter an infinite dark space. Now let's imagine that you can't see anything here, and you don't have eyes to see. And we don't even have the ability to see, feel, taste, smell, and do. We can't sense anything here. The only way to exist in this quantum field is to be self-aware. The only way to experience this area is to "self-awareness," not the senses. And since awareness is consciousness, attention, and "knowledge," our consciousness is linked to a greater level of frequency and information because we move beyond the sensory world and pay attention to the energy of the quantum field.

Strange as it may seem, the quantum field is not empty. A quantum field is an infinite area full of frequency or energy. And all frequencies contain information.  Thus, the quantum field is full of matter and an infinite amount of energy vibrating beyond the senses, a world full of invisible substances of energy that we may have created. What exactly can we create with all this energy in this universe, just as we swim in an ocean of infinite possibilities? It's up to us. In other words, quantum fields are a state in which all possibilities exist, in other words, when we are in the quantum field universe, we exist simply as one awareness and consciousness. 

It is a consciousness that pays attention to or observes the possibilities in greater consciousness and greater energy. There is no body, no person, no object, no place, no time when you enter the endless and vast space with a sense of awareness. Instead, unknown possibilities exist as energy. Therefore, when we think about what we already know in our lives there, we have no choice but to return to the three-dimensional reality of poetry and space. But if we can stay in the unknown darkness long enough, we can prepare the things we need to make the unknown there. 

Saying that I must return to the present moment from the foreword, I said stop thinking about the foreseeable future, stop remembering the familiar past, and enter this eternal and vast space as a self-awareness. Let's draw attention from everyone in the three-dimensional world, from your body, the people you meet, to everything you have to go to, from time to place itself. When you can do this well over and over again, you go into the quantum field, the awareness of the universe itself.  Everything we know about the universe, even though it looks solid, is actually 99.99999999% made up of energy and information. 

In fact, most of the universe is made up of empty spaces. The matter of the universe is only extremely small compared to its infinite space. Scientists soon discovered that the way electrons move in that vast space was completely unpredictable. Electrons do not follow the laws of matter in the macroscope at all. The electrons seemed to be here for one moment and disappeared the next. It was impossible to predict when and where they would disappear. Later, it turned out that it existed simultaneously in the infinite possibilities or probabilities of electrons.

Only when an observer pays attention to something material and finds it did the invisible energy field or information field appear as a particle that we know as an electron, that is, a substance. But as soon as the observer no longer observed and turned his attention elsewhere, the electron disappeared back into energy. In other words, particles of matter can exist only when we observe and pay attention. The moment you don't pay attention, it goes back to energy and back to a state of possibility. That's how matter and mind relate to each other in the quantum field, so what does all this mean to us?

2. Coordinating the new possibilities of the quantum world.

It means that when we look at the same life every day and expect the future on the basis of the past, we collapse infinite energy fields into the same information pattern of our lives. For example, if you wake up in the morning and think that it will hurt again, it will soon start to hurt again. Because we look forward to it. Instead, what happens if you collect interest in the physical world or the environment? If we collect the surroundings that we used to go to the body as we learned in the front page, we become not the body. Then we lose our senses and stop our sensory activities. If we collect the surroundings that have been directed to the people who have entered our lives, we become no one. 

In other words, they abandon their identity as parents, spouses, brothers, friends, office workers, religious people, politicians, and people. We become beings with no race, no gender, no sexual orientation, no age. Collecting the surroundings of objects and places in the material world makes us nothing. Finally, if we collect the surroundings of linear time, we are in a time that does not exist. At this point, we are now in a quantum field that exists in the middle and all possibilities exist. Because they think they are not with the material object or because they are disconnected from the material world, they no longer try to affect the material with the material.

We don't even consider ourselves a body in poetry or space because we're beyond poetry and space. In the true sense, we are in the dark of infinite possibilities, which are integrated fields where there is nothing material. This is the direct result of constantly trying to stay in the present moment. At that moment, we send our surroundings and energy into a world of information or invisible frequencies beyond matter, where all possibilities exist. Like scientists who have discovered that electrons are converted into energy and possibilities when they collect their surroundings from electrons, our lives will turn into possibilities if we collect them and go beyond past memories. 

Eventually, it creates possibilities by focusing on the unknown. The longer we stay in the quantum field as a self-awareness and the longer we invest in unknown energy, the more new experiences and new possibilities we will create in our lives.  

3. The human brain changes.

You cannot pass through the door to the quantum field as long as you exist as someone with a collection. It exists only as a consciousness, consciousness, or possibility and must leave everything in the material world. You should get out of the chemical addiction to the same emotions that make you think the same things that I said earlier. And we need to stop being the same material, we need to collect the surroundings that we send to the three-dimensional world of matter, and instead we need to send them to energy or possibilities. It goes without saying that staying in such a quantum field will make a big difference in the brain. 

One: The change means that we don't feel any danger from the outside by recognizing that we're beyond the physical world, so the nerve cortex, where our conscious mind sits, slows down and starts to work in a much more comprehensive way. We looked at whether living under the influence of stress hormones would ignite our retreat very disorderly and incoherently. Under stress, we all go to control and predict, so we concentrate extremely and run around you like crazy from one person to something else, back to some place and time.

It then activates various corresponding neural networks for each of the known ones. When you fall into the present moment and become aware of this eternal ball, this infinite field of information that has nothing physical, and no object, no person, no time or space, you no longer activate various neural networks in your brain. Furthermore, our brains begin to change when we become aware of the vast and infinite darkness by deviating from the narrow focus toward the material in the external environment and creating information in space about nothing.

The parts of the brain that were divided are integrated and become consistent. Each neural community approaches each other and forms a larger community. Neural communities move at the same time, organized and integrated. To be integrated in the brain means to be connected to each other when it. If the brain moves consistently, we become consistent. If the brain finds order, we find order, and if the brain works well, we also work well. In short, if the brain functions more as a whole, we also think it is more intact. In other words, when we begin to connect to the integrated field with one awareness, our bodies become more intact and integrated. This is because the joint is literally energy that integrates. 

Second: When we enter a quantum field, the brain waves start moving at a slow frequency. In other words, it enters a consistent alpha and theta wave states in beta waves. The reason why this is important is that when brain function slows down, our consciousness comes out of the neocortex that functions as a thinking function and moves to the mesenchymal system, which connects our body to the autonomic nervous system, a subconscious operating system. The autonomic nervous system is a nervous system that controls many functions of the body, including digestion, hormone secretion, body temperature control, blood sugar control, atrial maintenance, and antibody-forming cell regeneration, which scientists say is usually unconsciously out of control. 

Basically, it's this autonomic nervous system that keeps us alive. The main function of the autonomic nervous system is to maintain order and improvement in our body, which keeps the brain in balance and thus the body in balance. The longer we stay in the current patrol, the more relevant and integrated our brains work.

At this time, the autonomic nervous system comes to the forefront and begins to heal the body. This is because our consciousness becomes one with the autonomic nervous system. When there is a present moment, we are actually opening the way for autonomic neural planning. When we become pure consciousness and turn the old woman from beta to alpha to theta, we give way to autonomic neural planning that knows how to heal the body much better than our conscious mind, and the autonomic nervous system finally comes to the fore to fix and clean the house.  

4. Changing energy: adding elevated emotions to clear intentions.

An uplifting feeling is a genuine feeling. Unlike stress emotions drawn from the invisible field of energy and information surrounding our body, these sincere emotions contribute positively to the body's energy field. The energy produced when opened in the chest makes the heart beat more regularly and consistently, as in the case of the brain.  And as a result, it creates a significant amount of magnetic field. Because that's exactly what's going on in our hearts that connects us to the integrated field.  And when we combine intent with energy, we create a new magnetic field. 

Energy is frequency and all frequencies contain information. And it is that elevated energy that conveys our thoughts or intentions. Emotions are moving energy, and elevated emotions run higher frequencies than survival emotions. If you want to make a difference, for example, if you want to go beyond feelings such as guilt, pain, fear, anger, shame, and worthlessness, you have to do it at a higher energy level. In fact, the low-vibration energy we feel cannot capture the future dreams we want. The limited emotions only capture the corresponding level of consciousness.

Therefore, it is important to get out of that limited feeling if you want something without any more restrictions. If you want freedom, you have to feel free, and if you want any real healing, you have to feel full energy. The more emotions are raised, the more energy we release, and then we will make a bigger difference in this material world. The greater our energy, the faster we will be able to realize what we want. In the field of integration, we actually "know" what already exists and bring it into our lives through our surroundings and intentions. We can be geniuses, enjoy a rich life, restore health, and become rich. 

You can experience mysteries, get a new job, and solve problems in your current life. Remember that all possibilities exist as electromagnetic potentials in quantum fields. They don't exist in this poem, in space yet, so we can't experience them with senses or five senses.  They exist only as energy in the frequency black containing information. We need to tune the frequency and observe its possibilities so that it is exposed to this time, space. In order to do the job well, we must contact and check whether there is information with only intention and energy.

Observing potential in quantum fields is no different from being conscious of our hands in the material world if we are united with every body, every person, every object, every time, every space's consciousness and energy within a vast integrated field full of potentials. In other words, we are already connected to them and they already exist. When we adjust the frequency of future energy and intentionally observe the possibilities within the quantum field, decaying quantum events occur and we experience them specifically in the three-dimensional physical world (the phenomenon system).

Then, when we wake up after meditation, we have experienced that elevated feeling that we expect to taste in the future even if we return to the three-dimensional material world, so we cannot not wake up feeling as if our wishes have already been realized or as if our prayers have already been answered. It's just a misfortune and an illusion. We feel very closely connected to the new future and know that it will emerge in ways that we cannot predict. As a result, you try to stand on the other side that you are special, feeling like you are closer to energy than material with your new self. 

But remember that the moment you forget that feeling and start feeling stressed out thinking about when and how it's going to happen, you go back to your past self. It is trying to predict the future by digging into the past again. At that time, you will start feeling familiar emotions in the past again and bring up the same thoughts in the past, and at that moment you choose to remain stuck in the world of base, and the moment you feel familiar energy, we break up with future energy. 

Mind Countermeasures: Conversely, we can adjust our frequency to the future possibilities of our choice, continuously and continuously, instantaneously, to the frequency of the universe, and when we get used to it, not only during meditation, but also when we line up at the bank, and in the bathroom. Even when there is a traffic jam, when shaving, showering, cooking, and taking a walk, the frequency can be adjusted to the future possibilities. When we get used to it, we can continue when we open our eyes, like when we close our eyes when meditating. It's spacing out.

Just remember that every time you stay in the modern moment and tune the frequency of your future energy, your future is one step closer. And when we do it exactly as it is, we will biologically transform our bodies from the past present reality to the future present reality. h; Words mean that our brains, which were recorders in the past, become a neurological map that will take us to the future. At the same time, when we teach our bodies how the future feels in the present moment, we tame the newly elevated emotion. We will send new genes in new ways and change our bodies as if the future chosen with clear intentions has already been achieved. This means that we will begin to take on the future biologically. 

5. Jace, go to the quantum world.

Back from the trip, Jace will have what I want to do in the quantum field in a state of potential! All you have to do is coordinate the sale I'm looking for, take out a piece of paper, write J, and draw an electromagnetic field by winding a circle in two lines around it. After Jay finishes drawing, J represents a possibility. Indicate and say the clear and elevated goals I want. It is to practice writing all my specific intentions around me, such as important conditions, salaries, when, and how in career choice, and thinking of J and thinking of all the contents written around it. Why don't you try to send a new signal to the quantum field every day?

You only need to focus on the state J while releasing energy into space beyond the body. It is to find and match vibrations that transmit information, just like adjusting the radio frequency. The longer my consciousness stays with that energy, the longer I am conscious of my future energy, the greater the likelihood of bringing it up. Remember that it's an experiment, and if there's any potential energy that's vibrating with my energy at the moment, it'll find you And if you're in that quantum field, be sure to think of all the details that you want, one by one. And enjoy the feeling by recalling the state of your wish being fulfilled. Repeat over and over again.

6. Ready to tune the frequency.

This meditation requires some preparation. First, think about what wishes and experiences you want and decide. Just as electrons exist as energy or frequency in a quantum field before they collapse into matter, remember that the experience you want exists as energy or frequency in a quantum field. Now you're getting ready to go into the coordination. There are people who have lowered cholesterol levels even though they have only adjusted the frequency of potential, lowering cancer cell levels and disappearing tumors. 

You can also get a great job you wanted, go on a free vacation, and have healthy relationships with new people. They make more money or experience profound mysteries. This is the testimony of those who experienced winning the lottery. So don't doubt it and trust me and let's go into the unknown together. If you have a new experience you want to do, think of a word that symbolizes the work. And on a piece of paper, the word or a simple association picture or whatever it is fine.  It's very important to write it down completely on paper. 

Now, it is because the act of writing down contains a desire to make the mind you want concrete. And draw two winding circles.  It is an expression of an electron field that needs to be generated around your body because it is connected to the potential of the experience contained in the quantum field in the future. Now, the letter or image is given meaning to make the intention clearer. Make what you want more specific and decide at least four of them. But what's important is that we don't set a time when we want it to happen.

For example, if you want to get a job, you earn 1 million won more than you do now. Make a team of great members. get ample company support. The company gives a special bonus.  Work in a new structure outside of the existing framework. Write down on paper how you feel when you write down a specific plan with these contents. For example: I can feel the power. I don't think there's anything I can't do. Free, wonderful, grateful, life gets better. I'm happy. I have self-esteem. Write down whatever you want.

If you don't know how it feels because you haven't experienced it yet, try being thankful. Being grateful works well and appreciate everything you have and your existence itself. This is because the unconscious mind when grateful believes that the future reality is already happening momentarily. 

7. Meditation: tuning into new potentials.

First, focus on each part of the body and the space around it. A vast and infinite space behind your eyes notices an energy center on your head, between your throat and the back of your head, and a space above your head. It then moves around to the energy center in the neck and the space outside the neck behind the throat, around the chest center, around the torso, and behind the navel. And finally, I set up a space around my hip in an infinite dark vacuum. As you move each part of your body like this, you slowly take time to feel and recognize each space and stay in the moment.

I notice the vastness of the space in the room where you're sitting in. Then, the consciousness is further expanded to recognize the vastness of space beyond the room.  And finally, notice the vastness of the entire universe. Now gather around your body and environment time and become a pure consciousness of no body, no person, no object, no place, no time, and unfold the consciousness into an infinite dark space, an endless world where all possibilities exist.

If you have any other thoughts, you just have to return to the present moment every time. Then you just have to turn back to the non-material space and stay in it. # If you continue to stay in the dark and want to wish for something, but you keep shouting "I don't know" and "I'm fine" more than three times if you keep thinking about something from Ego (body: body) And at some point, the thoughts that come up from the ego can disappear and continue to be in the dark. And remember what you wrote down on the paper, the potential that already exists in the quantum field, the wish that you want to coordinate.

Detect the energy of future potential everywhere in and around you and tune your frequency in that future. When you do this, you enter a new state of existence and release a completely new electromagnetic signature into the quantum field. A new event will come to you when the potential in the dark and the energy vibrate. # Don't think that the future you want will unfold into the present just a few times after that. Don't be disappointed and practice If you think about it and practice it continuously, the reward will come back.

# I hope you will fulfill your wish to solve all problems of employment, health, marriage, children, economic freedom, and marital conflict by connecting and executing with dark (electronic, energy, integrated field) from time to time. Achievement can take several days, or weeks, months, or years. But what's important is that heaven listens to better things, better times, better places, better people, and when you think about it after a while, you'll shout, "There's a reason for everything." It's also God's job to grow, raise, and reap the status quo.

If you're living in a new state of existence and on a new electromagnetic mission (service), you'll start to remember the future you want and feel what it's like to live that future through a demonstration in your head. Recall the emotions written on paper and feel as if you are cured of the actual disease as much as possible. It will teach the body emotionally what it feels like. # It makes me feel refreshed. It is better to breathe in and out of the lower abdomen, such as brightening your eyes, evenly every five minutes, and focus on breathing.

Plant one seed in an infinite world of possibilities. And let the greater mind of the universe germinate its seeds. Lastly, bless your body with a new heart, bless your life, challenge, soul, past, and future. Bless the divinity you believe in exists in you.  And open your heart and appreciate a new life before it is experienced and realized.  Thank you for reading the long and difficult content to the end. The above article was written based on the text and my physical experience.

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