"프리고진 사망" 푸틴의 복수인가…"그때 비행기가 2대..아직 살아있다" 음모론.

바그너 그룹 수장 예브게니 프리고진의 갑작스러운 죽음을 두고, 그 배후에 푸틴 러시아 대통령이 있다는 추측이 나오고 있습니다. 무장 반란에 대한 응징이란 분석인데요. 온라인에선 프리고진 사망이 사실이 아니라는  음모론도 확산하고 있습니다. '프리고진이 탑승자 명단에 있었을 뿐 실제 탑승했는지 여부가 의심스럽다.

[World War 3 Scenario] "China confronted the US after invading Taiwan" "Korea launches a preemptive strike"

 `China's invasion of Taiwan has already begun' `The US surrounding the Korean Peninsula. What is Korea's survival strategy in the midst of the Chinese hegemonic war? ' What is the US strategy after China's invasion of Taiwan? In response to the US counterattack, China enters an all-out war with a new strategy. What will be the outcome? `Until now, Korea's participation in the war remained in great uncertainty' We will use the previous public opinion of the people to enter the next stage. Also, if China draws in Russia to strengthen the military power of the Northern Apostles or strengthens the protests, Japan's military power will inevitably be divided into two sides.

6. In Taiwan, there are 8 to 12 places where you can land, including Kaohsiung.

In the meantime, Taiwan has been completing the installation of the military on all shores where landing is possible. If China fails to occupy Taiwan in a short period of time, it is likely that China will use a modified version of the "cattle knife" strategy when attacking Taiwan. What is "cow catch knife"? It does not directly attack the target military force, but it refers to attacking and blocking the military supply source or the people or food around it that play the role. Therefore, South Korea is not in a position to cross the water in the event of such a war, and in the event of a war, it may lose the lives and property of its citizens between China and the United States.

7. Should South Korea strike North Korea preemptively if China attacks Taiwan?

1) Therefore, Korea is not given any options after such a war unfolds. Therefore, if China attacks Taiwan before China uses North Korea to cause a small war on the Korean Peninsula, South Korea should strike North Korea preemptively rather than go to Taiwan and participate in the war.

2) South Korea has a justification for a preemptive strike due to North Korea's actions so far, and there is a high possibility that China and the US will be forced to sacrifice without cost or benefit in a war between China and the US after China's invasion of Taiwan. First of all, it is necessary to implement the plan to go north. South Korea will quickly subdue North Korea and begin negotiations with China, the next step.

3) A high-ranking expert in China said that if South Korea "preemptively strikes North Korea, it would take 3 days to determine victory or defeat" and that "it would take 7 days to reach the Yalu River and the Tuman River". If South Korea strikes North Korea preemptively, China will intervene in the war as an ally of North Korea, and the United States will have much room to intervene as a South Korean ally. The important thing here is to subdue North Korea in a short time and secure weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, within control. Then, it is necessary to occupy the Yalu River and the Tuman River and engage in a multi-purpose war while negotiating with China.

4) If South Korea strikes North Korea first, there will be a variable that China will have to fight both wars with a war in Taiwan and a war on the Korean Peninsula. However, it will be difficult for China to cover the war on the Korean Peninsula while fighting a war against the United States. If South Korea strikes North Korea first, China will be more likely to be driven into a corner because it does not have the resources to manage both sides, and South Korea should use that situation to make a deal with China.

5) If Korea has an intention to promote it, if it is sincere, it can negotiate with China as much as it wants, and the contents are:

  "While China is at war with the United States over Taiwan, China will not intervene in South Korea's suppression of North Korea, and South Korea will not intervene in China's war to occupy Taiwan." Korea also said that China would agree to unify Taiwan, but China started this war, but the victory and defeat of the war and the end of the war would be South Korea's initiative.

South Korea is the world's 7th largest economy and, as we saw recently in the war in Ukraine, Korea has enough potential to operate a weapon system or army to defend the free world.

I am grateful to Dr. Chul Lee for truthfully showing us the uncomfortable imagination in neighboring countries through the author's clear logic, evidence, and data.

original text.

Title: 'The War Has Already Begun'

Author: Dr. Chul Lee.

Subtitle: China's invasion of Taiwan has already begun" What is South Korea's strategy for survival in the US-China hegemony war surrounding the Korean Peninsula?

Dr. Chul Lee:

I thought a lot about China, but I couldn't think much about the possibility of a war between Korea and Taiwan. My wife is Taiwanese. But the conclusion I came to is, no matter how much I think about it, in Korean society, wouldn't that be entrusted? Will I be laughed at? I had a lot of thoughts like that.

So originally, should I use that pen name (pseudonym)? I thought about it, but I think using a pseudonym will make the book unreliable to readers. Personally, I wrote this book because I thought it was a message I wanted to convey to our society even if it was a target of ridicule. yes

If you think about this possibility and think about it so that you can find a better alternative, rather than actually happening, there is nothing more to say.

thank you

1) `China's invasion of Taiwan was planned long ago'

2) 'What is the US strategy after China's invasion of Taiwan?

3) In response to the US counterattack, China enters into a 'new strategic all-out war'. What is the outcome?

4) `Until now, whether or not Korea participated in the war remained in great uncertainty.`

5) The US surrounding the Korean Peninsula. What is Korea's survival strategy in the midst of the Chinese hegemonic war?

6). “Korea must strike first.”

1. What is China's strategy?

From China's point of view, the United States will be the main enemy, and Japan has already prepared for years to mobilize with the United States, so there is no doubt. However, after China's invasion of Taiwan, Korea remained in great uncertainty during the expansion of the US-China war, and from China's point of view, it is a country that does not want to turn into an enemy of China if possible. because there is hope for

1) It is advantageous for China not to help the US to participate in the war. What is China's strategy for Korea?

China will try not to strike South Korea first unless South Korea enters the war first. However, since South Korea is likely to move with the USFK due to US moves, China is likely to make strategic efforts to keep the ROK and USFK confined within the Korean Peninsula.

2) Among these, the US war is very likely to occur, and Korea is highly likely to be involved in the US war. This is because Korea will be absolutely affected by the Sino-US war, and even issues of Korean lives, property, and national survival will be at stake.

3) The scenario of China's invasion of Taiwan is not sudden, and the Chinese Communist Party has been planning, preparing, and implementing it for decades. You may think that China's invasion of Taiwan is trying to take too big a risk to take a small profit, but China's Taiwan invasion and annexation plan is the CCP's 100 plan and has been running for 50 years.

4) Considering that 22 million in Taiwan is not a small number for China, it was the most central plan in the 100-year plan for Chinese construction when the Chinese Communist Party was founded in 1920. The social construction of the Communist Party of China is for everyone to enjoy a certain level of economic status, but this social construction of the Communist Party of China has already been declared complete. And now the second task is being carried out, and that is the construction of a modern socialist country.

5) And the second great task of China's building a socialist power is the invasion of Taiwan for national reunification. Starting with Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up in 1978 after following Marxism-Leninism, China has been successfully building socialism in the style of the Chinese Communist Party and a new concept of socialism incorporating the capitalist system advocated by the United States.

reference. Marxism-Leninism.

A term that comprehensively refers to the economic, social, political, and philosophical theories of Leninism established under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, a universal communist ideology in the era of modern imperialism and the Cold War era.

2. If China attacks Taiwan and war breaks out, what is Taiwan's defense strategy?

CSIS WAR GAME is textbook and systematic. It is a simulation of how the United States, a large country, attacks Taiwan with sufficient supplies, such as the Iraq war. there is.


The first battle of the next war: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan.

CSIS developed and executed 24 wargames for the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. In most scenarios, the US/Taiwan/Japan defeated the Chinese conventional amphibious assault and maintained an autonomous Taiwan. However, this defense was costly. The United States and its allies lost dozens of ships, hundreds of aircraft, and tens of thousands of servicemen. Taiwan's economy has been devastated. Moreover, high losses have hurt the US's global presence for many years. China also suffered heavy losses, and a failure to capture Taiwan could destabilize the CCP's rule. Therefore, winning alone is not enough. The United States must immediately strengthen deterrence.

1) Then, what strategy can China use to fight the US military against the US attack?

If China wages a war against the U.S. forces, China is unexpectedly irregular and has the potential to become a guerrilla war, but the basic thing is to attack the opponent with an unexpected strategy and catch them off guard. In that respect, I think that China will use the "Poor Country Strategy" against the United States. China's "Poor Country Strategy" is to use a militia disguised as a civilian in the Chinese sea, which has changed from public security to military, to take mines. What if Chinese ships stormed every port and beach in Taiwan with surface drones and torpedo systems?

2) In response to China's militia attack, the United States will have no choice but to attack the militia as civilians. If left as it is, it could create a situation where Taiwan's waters are blocked. In the course of the Sino-Japanese War in the 1940s, China implemented a lot of tactics to hit the opponent's back by unfolding the opponent's unexpected and brilliant tactics.

3) The people of Taiwan will defend Taiwan's national identity and independence at any cost to defend against such aggression by China. Do you have a strong will?

4) The will of the Taiwanese people is to protect their country. The ratio was less than 30%, but the belief that it will protect its country to 80% by 2022 has risen, and now public opinion to maintain the status quo is increasing again. Because of the progressive value strategy of the United States, especially Taiwanese people can think that way, but China. Regardless of the wishes of the Taiwanese people, it seems that the United States will intervene and protect Taiwan war even if it is for its own benefit in the event of China's invasion of Taiwan.

3. China, what is China a country that cannot be defeated?

1) `Requirements for a country that cannot be defeated? It is a great country, a country with a large population, a stable economy, and a country with nuclear weapons. Even if such a country loses the war, it is difficult to finally occupy it. middle. China won the war, but China could not enter India. Even if the United States wins China in the US war, it will be difficult for the US to occupy China. There is a so-called 'Article 8 against the United States' as a strategy put forth by China during the Trump era. Since China is a one-party totalitarian state, the plan can be implemented for 100 years and 200 years, whereas the policy of the United States changes every 4.5 years. The ultimate goal of the CCP can be achieved. said.

2) The United States moves with a long-term strategy and maintains policy cohesion even when the administration changes, whereas in the case of Korea, there is no bipartisan security and diplomatic strategy like the United States, and considerable have uncertainty. China's '100-year plan' means that China's invasion of Taiwan will inevitably occur deliberately regardless of the wishes of neighboring countries.

4. What stance will Japan take in response to China's invasion of Taiwan and US intervention?

middle. In a US war: 1) If the US cannot use Japanese bases and resources, the US will not be able to systematically use force to fight China. 2) Japan is in a position to actively fight the US, so Japan is the most important war base for the US. Korea, like Japan, must be involved in this war regardless of its will. That is the key.

1) When Mark Kensian analyzes the war game, four countries, the United States. china. japan. It is an analysis based on the premise that only Taiwan is at war, and when a tense reincarnation occurs, a fight between China and Korea will be unavoidable. China can anticipate the suppression of US forces in Korea and, in particular, a hit from the THAAD radar. If China makes a preemptive strike on Taiwan and the US intervenes, it will have an excuse to attack the USFK and THAAD radar in Korea.

2) Since China regards Taiwan as a Chinese territory and US troops coming to its territory in China to wage war, it will be considered that the US has invaded China. Also, with Japan and Korea participating in the war, China regards the United States, Japan, and Korea as aggressors.

5. If China is attacked by the US, Japan, and Korea, what is China's response strategy?

1) For a long time, Japan has been in the position that the United States will go along with it, and China has that plan. The problem is that there remains great uncertainty about the possibility of South Korea's participation in the war, and China may not want to turn South Korea into an enemy if possible. This is because Korea has great military power, but there is hope that it might protect its neutrality. Japan will unconditionally help the United States enter the war, but China may think that Korea may not.

2) Will China use `North Korea` as a card against South Korea?

3) China will not preemptively attack South Korea if South Korea does not move and attack first, and since it cannot prevent the USFK from moving, it is thought that China will use a strategy to tie USFK and ROK troops together on the Korean Peninsula. . China thinks that South Korea cannot be the subject and will use North Korea as a card if it deals with South Korea.

4) North Korea will think of the opposite, and China is promised assistance, including economic aid, food aid, energy support, and political regime support to North Korea, and China will force North Korea to create a certain level of armed situation on the Korean Peninsula. Controlling it on a scale that does not lead to full-scale war, China is likely to use the effect of tying South Korea to the Korean Peninsula as a strategy for North Korea.

5) On the other hand, China has North Korea on the Korean Peninsula against the United States and Japan, while tying up South Korea and the USFK, while dragging the war into a long-term war and destroying the interests of the people of the United States, Japan, and South Korea.

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